Tuesday, January 30, 2007

First Bath!

Friday the 26th was Luke's first bath at home. Just snapped a few pics of the "special" occassion!He had been crying since the beginning, but the minute I had the faucet trickling and the sprayer on he turned his eyes that direction and stopped crying. The entire time I washed and rinsed his hair he was an angel!

Not such an angel when he was cold and wet and naked ! :) Then again, I don't like to be those 3 things at once either~!

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Luke David Estes
January 21, 2007
6 :53 am
7 lbs 15 oz
20 1/2 inches

Luke's very first picture - not looking so happy

Well everyone, much to my surprise, Luke came much closer to his due date than I expected! Sorry it's taken so long to get info up, but things have been rather crazy. I will give you the short version of the labor story. Saturday evening (the 20th) I actually got together with a friend of mine Rachel and we rented the Devil Wears Prada and got Ben and Jerry's ice cream. We had just finished the movie and our bowl of ice cream, when all of a sudden at 9:30 my water broke sitting there on her couch. Through the movie I was having a lot of severe lower back cramping and should have suspected something. She didn't believe me at first, but I went to the bathroom and that's definitely what it was! She grabbed my cell phone for me and I called David at home, who had apparently just fallen asleep on the couch. He went into panic mode and anxiously finished packing my bags for the hospital ( toiletries etc). He picked me up at her house and we were at the hospital by 10:30. I was hooked up to the monitor in the triage room and at that point I was having contractions about every 5 minutes...not too severe at that point and was 3 cm dilated. David's parent's arrived shortly after. After about and hour and a half they took me to my LDRP room, started an IV and fluids, monitoring etc. My parents arrived too and we hung out in the room while I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes and this time they were much more unpleasant. Going into it I didn't know if I would get an epidural, but at about 2 am and 4 cm I said PLEASE give it to me! That was the best decision I could have made! Other than the pain with the epidural itself, after that I was basically pain free and along with that came a foley catheter, and bricks for legs. It was the strangest thing being able to not move my legs or reposition myself in bed. After the epidural David's sister Dana and my sisters and their husband/boyfriend arrived from Indianapolis, and Toledo about 2:15 am. We broke out the cards and played some Euchre! Ha! I kept an eye on the monitor to see when and how strong my contractions were. They were still about 2-3 minutes apart but they were hitting 100 on the scale. I was checked about 2:30 and still about 4 cm, almost 5. Everyone decided to try and get a little rest, including me. In the mean time they noticed I had meconium in my fluid so they hooked up a catheter inside to flush my uterus out, and then put an internal fetal monitor in because they were having difficulty picking up Luke's heartbeat. THEN, with my contractions he was having decelerations of his heartbeat. At any rate, after resting for about 2 hours, the nurse came in to check me and by golly I was 10 cm and his head was right there. David, my mom, and the nurse, helped me push for about 45 minutes until Luke was ready and then the Dr came in and on my second push they gave me an episiotomy, told me to stop so they could cut the cord from around his little neck ( which was apparently pretty tight) and then one more push and he was out. They took him straight over to the NICU team to check him out and suction him. I only saw him for a second before they worked on him. Thank the Lord that he pinked up pretty quickly and didn't have any problems. He breast fed right away which was wonderful! So that's pretty much it!

He is already a week old, and is such a tremendous blessing! It's hard to believe David and I are mommy and daddy to this little one! It amazes me every time I think that this little person started from a microscopic pieces of David and I. Motherhood is wonderful, but so very different than life before. You never think you can love something as much as you love this new baby. David is head over heels in love with his little boy, and he's been an absolute Godsend for me this week. Sorry I've gone on and on with this, but especially for those of you who have recently had or are going to have babies, I thought you'd be interested in the birth story. Everyone's is so different. I'll be updated again soon I hope with new pictues, as this little guy changes every second it seems!

Our first family photo :)

All bundled up ( he never stayed like that for long) Quite the squirmer

Long and skinny....are you sayin I have frog legs??

There's my eyes!

Daddy and son time :)

Just too cute!

Heading home....Think he's warm enough?? It took 15 minutes to pack and unpack him. Ha!

Mommy and her little boy

The 3 musketeers....Mom, Luke, and Abby (the dog)

Oscar loving his little brother

Am I tiny or is this bear huge!?

Luke with daddy

The whole crew....minus antisocial Maggie the other cat ( this, by the way is how I spend just about every night sleeping) The animals love to sleep with mommy

Sweet dreams! :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Just a waitin'

Well, I'm officially due on Friday the 19th. However, thinkin that's not gonna happen! Everyone around me who is due AFTER me is having their baby, but apparently mine is not ready to make his appearance! Last week at the Dr. I was 75% effaced but not dilated at all. Today I was still 75% and finger tip dilated. Whoop-di-doo! So at this point we are playing the waiting game. Last night was my last night at work, but I hate to use my LOA time when the babies not here. Oh well, hopefully soon! The girls at work brought in food for me the last 2 nights to celebrate my "retirement" from the floor, since I am not returning there after maternity leave. (I'll be in NICU). I'm feeling fine except for the sleeping part. It's almost more painful trying to lay down and sleep, than it is to be moving around. My hips fall asleep, gotta pee every hour or two, can't lay on my back or stomach, gotta lug the belly with me from side to side :) Ha! Other than that though I won't complain! David keeps telling him to come out, but he's not listening. Getting calls from people almost everyday wondering if there is any progress. Anyhow, hopefully my next post will contain pictures of our new addition :) Thanks for checking in and keeping in touch everyone! Oh, David has a new website up and running for their contracting company if anyone wants to take a look! http://estesgeneralcontracting.com, Love you all!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Christmas Time!

Again, it's been awhile, but things around the holiday's have been extremely busy with family in town and get togethers. It was a ton of fun though and it was great to see everyone! Family is such a blessing! Hope all of you had a VERY Merry Christmas and your New Year is off to a wonderful start! I'm officially due 2 weeks from this Friday.....CAN'T believe it! I'm still feeling good. No big changes that I know of yet, but I go to the Dr on Friday morning to be "checked" :) I don't think he's dropped yet though. My family took bets on the date/time/size of the baby at birth, so we'll see who wins. David's uncle insists I'm going to have him between 2:30 and 2:45 on Jan 9th David and I at church on Christmas Eve morning
Our Christmas living room ( and yes the tree is real :)
Lots of fun presents to and from David and I. We opened them Christmas night once we got home from visiting with family.

Lunch at my mom and dad's on Christmas Day. All kinds of goodies!! My David, Heather and her husband David

Mom, dad and Julie settled for the "kiddie" table.

My big Christmas present from David that he made me open first thing in the morning before we left the house. He had been working on this dresser over the last few weekends while he was building the baby's book shelf and wall shelves. I had NO idea! We don't have any furniture in our bedroom (other than two recliners and an entertainment center) We keep all our clothes in our walk in closet. He knew I always wanted a dresser :) Very sweet of him!

Here it is in the bedroom!!

Christmas Day belly :)

Gettin close!!