It's been over a month since I've updated. My apologies!! I will backtrack for a moment. The very last weekend in September, David and I got to spend a weekend alone together. We spent it doing random things like shopping at Lodi, and going to Cedar Point...which by the way was great! Hardly had to wait in line for any rides! :) Anyhow, we enjoyed our time together, but left Cedar Point earlier than we were planning cause we missed our little guy so much!! Since then Luke has been growing and is on the move ALL the time! He will NOT sit still. This does not give mommy much opportunity to do things that need done around the house on her days off from work! It's a very difficult adjustment to make. I'm used to being able to get anything done that needed done in a short period of time and now I find it taking me several days to get done what I could in one. I still wouldn't trade my time with Lukers for ANYTHING! He had is 9 month appointment last week and checked out good, except the Dr was slightly concerned about his weight. He said it's kind of tapered off and barely following the bottom of the curve. (The little guy looks healthy to me when you see his little belly and chunky legs :) He was 17lb 3oz which the Doc said was in the 6-7th % I had cut his formula calories just a tiny bit when he was eating all the baby food at meals too, but I guess I need to bump him back up and put some more meat on the child! He was 28 inches long (near the 50th %) and head is 44.2cm finally around the 20%!! Otherwise he said that he looks great. My only concern is that he has now pulled this trick of crying and not breathing 4 times now. Over the weekend 3 times he would fall down and start crying. I would pick him up and the crying sound would stop but his mouth would be open and look like he was crying. His face would turn red and then start to get dusky. I shook him and called his name and he let out a little gaspy cry and I held him close to me but could tell he still wasn't breathing so I pulled away from me to look at him and his eyes get glazed over in a blank stare and he's blue! I had to lay him on the floor and shake him and rub his chest and he finally snaps out of it and is scared. All hot and sweaty then. SCARES ME TO DEATH!!! If anyone else has had this happen with their little one please let me know. I may have to give the Dr. a call and make sure it's nothing to worry about. Poor little guy :( Moving on...... the next 4 pictures are of trick or treat day (Sunday the 28th) at Grandma and Grandpa Estes house. We went over and Luke helped hand out candy (and had a sucker of his own!!) David's mom had surgery for some back/leg pain she's been having for 2 years now. She is recovering well and was immediately having almost none of the pain she had been! What a blessing! She is still sore and having some numbness but PRAISE THE LORD that she is for the most part healed! :)
He's doing his "SO BIG" - Ask him "How big is Luke?" and he raises both hands up and then smiles and claps.
Grandma Estes holding the little teddy bear.
Such a sweet little face - wouldn't know he's so ornery!
Enjoying his yummy grape Tootsie Roll Pop from the neighbors...he ate the whole darn thing. Lucky he got to cause Grandpa was SOOOO afraid he was gonna choke on it!
So vain....loves to look at himself in the mirror and give himself open mouth kisses :)
I had stripped the bed one day and he was playing with Oscar.
Mr. Mohawk - "mommy why must you embarass me so?"
Eating the letters...why not?
Splashing and giggling :)
Not a happy camper! 9 months old and still no stinkin teeth!
Talking to the dogs' mini frisbee.
"Mamma, pick me up!!!"
At David's aunt's house for dinner last Saturday and to watch the OSU/PENN ST game. We couldn't stay though cause Mr. grumpy pants had to go to bed!
We were all in our gear - GO BUCKEYES!!
Just some footage of Luke enjoying his jumper still! :)
Grandma Estes holding the little teddy bear.
Such a sweet little face - wouldn't know he's so ornery!
So vain....loves to look at himself in the mirror and give himself open mouth kisses :)
I had stripped the bed one day and he was playing with Oscar.
Mr. Mohawk - "mommy why must you embarass me so?"
Holly sleeping with the two puppies that David won for Luke at Cedar Point
Eating the letters...why not?
Hmmm....I've used both hands and my mouth....any other options?
Splashing and giggling :)
I's sleepy mamma!
Just crawlin around
"Why won't this round one go in the square one?"
First time he actually fell asleep in his bouncer. I took him out and up to bed and he never woke up! He actually slept from 10:30 - 2:30 that day!! 5 hours!
Ta da! My dinosaur!
Just crawlin around
"Why won't this round one go in the square one?"
Ta da! My dinosaur!
At David's aunt's house for dinner last Saturday and to watch the OSU/PENN ST game. We couldn't stay though cause Mr. grumpy pants had to go to bed!
We were all in our gear - GO BUCKEYES!!
Just some footage of Luke enjoying his jumper still! :)