Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Big Boy is 1 !!!!

I guess there's a little bit of updating to do for those who have not been around! First of all, our little Lukers is officially 1 year old! We had his first birthday party the 19th with just a few friends and family. We had it at my parents house since they have a little more space. We really appreciated that and it worked out well. Luke was in kind of a grumpy/ornery mood from the beginng and we were a little worried what he was going to be like the rest of the day. Thankfully just as he was getting tired while doing presents, he had his cake and was able to open the rest of the gifts on the sugar rush afterward! Haha. Other news.....
1. A couple of days after New Year's, Luke caught whatever David was sick with a few days earlier. He had a 103 degree fever for 3 days and during that time was miserable with that and a constant runny nose and cough. The Dr. said it was some sort of virus because ears/nose/throat looked okay and his blood cultures had come back negative. So we just kept him souped up on Motrin and Tylenol every 3 hours and he slept with the humidifier. Poor little guy :( Took 2 full weeks for the cough to fully go away.
2. He officially has 2 bottom teeth, and his top ones are RIGHT there. It's about time!
3. One day about 2 weeks ago, he decided he would climb the stairs! Until then he's only ever gone up 2 and that's it...then one evening daddy went up to get a shower and Luke wanted to follow, so right up he went, like he'd been doing it forever! Now he climbs up on everything! He's learning how to turn around and slide back down on his belly off the couch or bed. Almost got the hang of that.
4. Had his 1 year apt yesterday and is 19lbs 8oz, 29inches. He is still only in the 8th% for his weight, and 25% for length and head size. He's got a mix of genes.....David and I average, David's mom on the shorter side, my mom and grandpa tall. Who knows what the future holds, but as the Dr. stated, we don't expect him to be in the 81st% anytime soon :) Despite his 4 shots yesterday, we ran some errands and played and they didn't seem to bother him one bit!
5. Losing interest in his bottles, but won't take formula/milk out of his sippy cup. :( Gotta work on that!
6. Finally more interested in walking. Hasn't on his own, but he'll actually walk with us holding his hand instead of crumbling to his knees!
7. He had his first scrambled eggs, PB sandwich, and pancakes in the past few days....loves them all.....and still eats his carrots and green beans!
8. I've caught him saying "mama", but when I ask him to say it again he says "dada"
9. Got his pictures taken the 18th at JCPenny and he was NOT a happy camper. Got a few good shots (which is probably a good thing we didn't get more, cause I would've spent more money!!) I'll try to scan them and post if possible!

Things for us overall have been very good. Luke is so much fun - despite exerting his independence. We're keeping busy with work and activities, but are desperately waiting for the warm weather so we can go for walks and to the park! Luke seems to find all kinds of indoor things to do though! :)

Luke riding his Zebra he got for Christmas

This child will not keep a hat on to save his life!

Sure, why not.... a fun place to play!

Hmmm.....I haven't had that, or that, or that yet.

This was his exersaucer that converted into a stand and play table.

Luke giving his blue bear a birthday kiss!!

The yummy food table!

The punch and cake

Luke's Pooh was quite yummy!!

Another view....I think it turned out so cute :)

Some of the decorations.....and thankfully, none of the tape took any paint off. (isn't that right dad?)

Luker's doing a little dance.

Lucky boy.....all the birthday presents!

Started with just playing in the icing...............

After I showed him how to dig his hands in.......

One hand is not sufficient anymore!

He seriously ate about half the cake. I had to take it away from him cause I thought he'd get sick and puke all over the place. He was NOT happy with me.

Post cake eating.....decided instead of making him more mad by dressing him....we'd let him wear his birthday suit! This was a cute little tool pouch from Rachel and Eric.

Some more farm animals from Grandma and Grandpa.

A gift that daddy picked out. His own little 4 wheeler (no it's not electric...he has to push with his feet). I'm sure daddy would have gotten an electric one if I would have let him!

BIG smile!

Finishing the evening with a song composed by Luke Estes

Examining the pineapple.............

Tasting the pineapple :) (He actually really does like fresh pineapple....that one was very tart! )

Cutie laying on the kitchen floor.

Luke's favorite song!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Another Year Come and Gone.....Welcome 2008

So hard to believe that 2007 is over and done with! It was a huge year for us with addition of Luke into the family and I honestly don't know where the time went! The holidays were fun but very busy for us especially since I had to work Christmas and the surrounding days. We were able to visit with all our family over the course of the week and Luke loved seeing his aunts and uncles...(well except for the ones he was afraid of :) Nothing beats getting together with loved ones to eat and play games!! Luke did SOO good with all the traveling here and there and the late nights. What a trooper! And with an 11 month old, 2 cats, and 2 dogs, there were no Christmas tree catastrophe's! Hope your 2008 is off to a great start!

Playing with stickers with Aunt Dana :)

Kandel/Estes family photo - minus Heather and David :(

Estes family photo - minus Dana and Steve

"Can I have some more cheese puffs PLEASE??"

Our tree (that Luke picked out) and the cat snooping around. No Holly, none of the presents are for you!

Experimenting with the color on the computer!

Some of Luke's opened presents under the tree. Elmo's eyes kinda scare me!

Sleeping in Ollie's bed :) Definitely more comfy than the wood floor!

Opening his very first gift! A present from Aunt Dana and Uncle Steve

Fill and Dump wagon! :) Luke loves taking the blocks in and out of it. I'm sure he'll just get a kick out of pulling it around when he can walk!

Get this silly bow off my head...I'd rather put it in my mouth.

Look what Aunt Dana did to me :(

Yeah....I like my Walk N Ride :)

My hubby being a goof.

Grandpa, let me help you take that out of the box.

Look at my new OSU shoes! Too bad they suck! Boohoo :(

Hey, that's me and grandpa!!

Climbing on the boxes is much more fun than opening presents!

"What do you guys wanna hear....Jingle Bells, Silent Night???

Busy Busy Christmas!

Just wanna sqeeze those cheeks :)

This would be so much more fun outside.

Oooh mommy, how come I never knew these cupboards opened up. Look at all the goodies!! :)

Here, ya want some goldfish? Good thing he didn't try them, they're "Blazin' Buffalo"

Luke trying Sauerkraut for the first time on New Years!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

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