Onto more important things.
Luke has 4 official teeth with another on the way. They don't seem to bother him and he rather enjoys using them to gnaw on things. The only problem was when he accidently bit himself :)
He has mastered the stairs up and down.
LOVES climbing in the shower with daddy or me.
Clearly says "mom" "mom" now. Not even really ma ma....he adds the "m". He otherwise babbles up a storm thinking he's really talking.
He likes to play with the hand made wooden train the his great grandma Kandel got him.
Loves touchy feely books and his flash cards.
Likes just about any food we eat.....wants to feed himself of course.
Still not too interesed in walking.....lazy butt! He's just so quick on his hands and knees he knows he can get there fast. He may walk later than his mommy did (14 months).
When he lays down for bed time or naps, he points to his fishy mobile to turn it on and then points to the CD player for the music. Then giggles.
I just love baby feet, what can I say??
So does Luke I guess :)
I just love these few bath pictures and his cute little face and smile!! Love seeing those teeth finally!
This is a relatively new face he likes to make.....attractive huh?
Another cute smile.
Mmmm, Mmmmm, good!
This was Luke's official first time out in the snow. Just decided to do it one afternoon. He's just checking it out with the tips of his fingers......
And this is how he decided he felt about it! He of course wouldn't put on a hat or gloves. If I had frostbite on my fingers I'd hate the snow too :)
Loving his birthday present. He likes to climb on and off it and push all the buttons. As far as riding goes though, he can only move it backward. Silly boy!
Luke stole daddy's cereal bowl (my husband is not normal.....that bowl is HUGE!) and poured the little bit of milk left in it on his head.
Sticky hair!
See what happens when mommy's at work.....baby gets drunk!
Thinking daddy's swiss army knife is a phone. I attribute this to the alcohol as well!
Playing wtih his wagon and blocks......throwing then out, putting them back in........