This will be the last post before we leave for vacation. I have been keeping an eye on the ongoing hurricanes/tropical storms out there in the good ol Atlantic! They seem to be coming one after another. We fly out bright and early Thursday morning and will arrive in Miami Thursday afternoon.....we should JUST miss Ike. We'll see. Don't know where Josephine is headed yet. The only good thing about our cruise choice is that we are going to the western Caribbean. We leave Miami and head southwest around Cuba down to Cozumel. The farthest east we go is Jamaica on the last day of the cruise so we should be out of range from the future storms. So I'm holding out hope! I have some Scopalomine patches to use though to ward off the evil that is nausea!
Onto more important things like my growing boy. Here are a few things he is doing now......
1) Not only does he ride his 4 wheeler properly now, but does wheelies.
2) He climbs onto the couch, onto our bed, onto the kitchen table, and into
his own crib by himself! YIKES!
3) He insists on feeding himself ALL the time, and with utensils...that's fun!
We had a fun weekend over Labor day as I was off Sat/Sun/Monday and so was David. After I got some sleep from working Friday night shift, we all went to the Stark County Fair. Sunday was pretty relaxing and I was able to go out to dinner and to Cold Stone with 5 other girls from church. We had an absolute blast! Monday then we slept in with Luke and decided to take him up to the Akron Zoo. So most of the following pics are of those activities!! Enjoy!
One day Luke had gone down stairs and was being awfully quiet. I went to see what he was doing and low and behold, he had gotten into the bread drawer and pulled out 1/2 a loaf of zuccini bread, climbed up on the chaise lounge chair and went to town. Think he made a mess?
Climbing on the kitchen table in his new camo slippers, eating an apple, and ripping my plant apart.
We've been blowing up water balloons for Luke to play with....daddy put them to a different use!! Yes that's tape!
Future Brown's player
Stark County Fair
Saturday the 30th we took Luke to the Stark County Fair. It was quite crowded, but we still had a good time :)
Looking at the big sheep
Riding the carousel. Love my hand position? Luke started on the horse, then wanted held, then on the horse, then held....etc.
Luke was quite excited to ride the dinosaurs and go up in the air :)
Mommy and the little booger!
Petting the goats. At the end of the night he ran back over to the goat barn and ran from cage to cage saying "goat, goat" and petting each one. So cute!
Just one of his cute excited faces :)
More goats...he gave this one a kiss!
The Akron Zoo
On Labor Day we took Luke to see yet some more farm ones this time ;)
Just a picture at the entrance. Hard to tell, but this was a big penguin. Luke was a penguin face....didn't too much enjoy actually watching them swim around though :( Looking at some Lemurs in the cage This honestly creeps me out....especially in black and white. That lemur looks evil! Still cute with Luke's hand on the glass. Making his way across the wobbly rope bridge...with a little help from daddy!
Hot and tired already...bummin a ride The jellyfish exhibit was kinda cool....Luke thought they were pretty fascinating.
Just watching more jellies. This is supposed to be of mommy and Luke witht he huge tortoises in the back ground. Can hardly see them though.
Took a time out to play on the playground. Just one trp down the slide cause there were a ton of kids and a little overwhelming for Luke to try and play.
Givin the fake bears kisses....he loves giving kisses!Holding onto 3 different stuffed animals and playing with the penguin head. Love this expression! It was a great little trip....albeit hot, but still lots of fun!