Monday, December 04, 2006

Baby Shower Part 2

Hello, I'm back again! Here are some postings for the second shower I had on Dec second for my side of the family and friends. My mom and 2 friends Rachel and Brooke helped put everythng together! What a blessing they are! I hope they know how much I appreciate all that they did :) We had around 30 people there and hopefully everyone had lots of fun! We had a yummy lunch of egg/ham/chicken salad croissants, fruit, veggies, potato salad, chips, cheese, etc and of course delicious cake to top it off! Played lots of fun games including a mad lib that had me having a 31 lb baby that was 9 inches long. Holy crap! Picture of the food table Lovin the beautiful gold chairs ;)

Did I mention the cake was delicious??
Party throwers Rachel and Brooke
Rachel's creative talent making a "diaper cake" The inside of the blankets are filled with rolled up diapers. Isn't it cute??? My mommy and sissies all touchin my belly. Waitin for him to kick!

There's that darn belly...

A collection of high school friends! It was great to have a group of us together again after so long! Jen and Rachel in front, then Christina, Sarah, me, Katie, and Lisa.

David and I are so thankful that we have so many friends and family that love us as much as they do. We are truly grateful for people taking time out of their schedules to come and celebrate with us and spoil us with gifts. The Lord takes wonderful care! Thanks to my mom and the girls for throwing a great shower! You guys mean the world to us!


Anonymous said...

Hi Angela! The pictures turned out great. It won't be long & you'll be taking tons of pictures of Luke!!! Hope to cu soon!!! Love,

Anonymous said...

Hey Ang!!I hope you are feeling well and everything is going okay. I bet you guys are getting pretty excited right now!! Email me your number, I have a couple questions for you. My email is
Hope to hear from you soon!! You are in our thoughts and prayers!