Thursday, April 03, 2008

Spring is least the calendar says so!

Greetings! My apologies once more for my extended time away from blogging on Luke! As some of you know (at least my family)....the last 4 weeks or so have been a trying time for us, especially my hubby! About 4 weeks ago now, David began complaining about his left eye hurting and his head being "sensitive" and sore. Even though he thought it may be a sinus infection or something, it didn't improve. A couple of days later he went to see the Dr. and found out that he had SHINGLES!! Boy, we didn't know what he was in for!! The next week, he really suffered in pain and broke out in the rash on the left side of his face and head. He stayed at his mom's house for a few days where he could TRY to get extra rest in the dark basement. He didn't want to take a chance of giving anything to Luke or myself. Praise the Lord I had gotten Luke vaccinated with the chicken pox vaccine at his 1 year appt!! Long story short.....after the antibiotic, neurontin, and Tramadol for pain, he is still on the road to recovery. The rash is slowly disappearing, but his left eye is still swollen and is the main problem now. He developed a viral infection on his cornea making his eye painful and VERY sensitive. He has missed quite a bit of work and is pretty tired of dealing with the process!! He wears a patch on his eye still and takes it day by day. Praise the Lord the worst is over....I hated seeing him like that! On the sickness front, Luke got a cold 2 weeks ago and got a cute little hoarse voice from the rattling cough. He so nicely (AGAIN) passed it on to me, only I end up with a sinus infection that lasts nearly 2 weeks :( Just not fair!! haha!
On a lighter note, we are otherwise doing great :) Luke continues to do cute stuff all the time. He loves playing with his cars, imitating animal sounds, looking at books, chasing the animals, playing in the dogs water bowl, etc. Still doesn't like hats, shoes, sleeves that are too long, bandaids, coats, collared shirts, ANYTHING restricting!! Weirdo! Overall, he is a VERY good boy! We are truly blessed. He is starting to bite on ocassion, so we've got to put a stop to that right away. He likes to blow on my belly if I'm laying down. Loves "talking" on the phone. Has accidently dialed both grandma's on my or David's cell phone :) Luke definitely has an affinity for music. Anything that has a good rhythm gets his attention right away and he starts dancing/bouncing to it and clapping his hands. That's the only part of Veggie Tales that he'll sit and watch is the music. David and I both love it when we can spend time together with the 3 of us. It doesn't happen very often with our screwy schedules, but it's wonderful when we can hang out!!

I swear I did NOT teach him this.....drinking out of the dog bowl!! Better than the toilet I guess! :)

I asked him to show me his "toofers" least he knows they're in his mouth!

Takin a rest!

Luke decided it would be a good idea to climb into his block wagon. He then decided it wasn't such a good idea when he couldn't get out!

Telling secrets to Gumpy....and oh the secrets he has!

Blabberin away....takes after his grandmothers!! :)

Brushin up on his golf game......might be able to beat daddy come summer!

Just a quick picture of the curtains I FINALLY got for the kitchen. We've lived here nearly 5 years now and I had NEVER put anything on that window! It was REALLY starting to bug me!

The BEAUTIFUL tulips that David "won" me at his annual contractor banquet! Tbey add such a nice spring touch! I love fresh flowers.....but I always kill them! :(

Just another pic!

Thought this was pretty with the sun coming in. Holly enjoys the flowers too ( and the SUN)!!

Abigail was being naugty and chewing (I think chewing...hmmm.;) on Luke's stuffed puggle.

Getting ready to go downstairs!!

"I thought I said no pictures.....gimme that camera!"

We weren't able to make it on Easter Sunday to church. I unfortunately had to work, and Luke was still pretty sick so we didn't want to infect others in the nursery. But here he is doing "SO BIG" the week after in his Easter outfit. He really looks like a chunker here!

We can't go anywhere without Mr. Bear!

Gettin some lovin from Abby! The quickest tongue in the East!

Cuddlin' with Oscar. Brothers gotta stick together!

Oh the fun he can have with simple things :)

Taking frustration out on the blocks.

Helping mommy vaccuum!

Another concert from the accomplished musician!!