Friday, December 19, 2008

In the Christmas Spirit!

As a girl, my sisters and I were forced persuaded every year to venture out into the cold and extensively search for the PERFECT live Christmas tree with a straight trunk, no bare spots, excellent shape, and appropriate height. My mother would bring along a pocket full of tissues that she would use to mark "the possibilities", those trees that MAY be lucky enough to make it into our nice warm house for the holidays! We would always head out the day after Thanksgiving, I guess so that we could enjoy the darn thing for as long as possible (after all the effort that's the only way to go!) I will have to admit that at times, heading out into the Ohio winter was not my idea of fun after a day of glutony, but as I've gotten older, I have learned to deeply appreciate traditions like that one. Before Luke, David and I have had a variety of trees.... but now that Luke is here, I would like to continue to cutting down of our own live tree. HOWEVER.....ahem, due to my work schedule and David's hunting hobby life or death obligation, we didn't have time until last Saturday! I knew the pickins would be slim and I should have know how our luck would go when Luke woke up that morning with a cough and didn't want to eat breakfast.....not even a banana. (well he took a few bites and right before we left, coughed so hard he threw it up)! Great start! We bundled everyone up and headed to the tree farm we usually go to. The day was was apparently BEAUTIFUL from INSIDE the house. The sun was shining, but with the wind blowing, it was easily below 10 degrees. Luke enjoyed the experience for about 2 minutes before he was crying and wanting carried. I don't blame the kid cause I believe I was doing the same. :) Much as I luck. We drove over to another farm, but they wanted WAY too much money (and their trees were HUGE!). At this point, I'm about to throw in the towel and exclude a tree from our Christmas festivities (after all, it has no importance in the REAL meaning of Christmas right?) David's parents mention to us that they have a 7 ft artificial tree in a box in their garage that they aren't using. I wavered, debated, contemplated, JUMPED ON the opportunity and said "lets's go get it!" Instant relief! Anyhow, long story long, these are a few pictures of our live tree hunt that did not result in a live tree.

Who's idea was this?

Trudgin along like a little man

"trees, what trees". More intrigued by the sticks in the snow.

Toward the end, Luke insisted his glove be taken off. So I gave in and daddy so nicely warmed it for him :)

Poor guy was cold and wasn't feeling well....can you tell?

This past Monday after I had a class at work, we were able to take the evening to decorate the tree. David always gets SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED about this part. NOT! He reluctanly brought my boxes up from the basement and began stringing the red, green, and white lights. We had fun getting all the ornaments out and letting Luke look at them. Actually, he took it upon himself to open the big box of ornaments and take out the sock monkey one....take it out of it's box, and try to hang it on the tree himself. It was SO sweet.

playing with the tape we had the lights wrapped with.

Closely examining the tree

Hard to say what's going on in his head.......probably not much right then.

Luke's first ornament he's ever hung (hanged....whatever). The sock monkey :)

Not sure......we told him to kiss the monkey.

The most important pieces of my Willow Tree Nativity!

Tuesday night was had David's "Company Christmas Party" at Dave and Sheree's house. Unfortunately two of the other guys weren't able to make it due to sickness...which left more hors d'oeuvres for us :) just teasin! kinda. We pigged out on that stuff and then a yummy pounded steak, baked potato, and broccoli dinner made my chef Sheree. After dinner, we hung out around the tree and tried to get a family photo...not much success there. Worth a shot though. Sheree always has a little gift of two for me since David usually gets a little bonus check and she even had 2 little presents for Luke to open so he wouldn't feel left out. She bough a Hallmark ornament for us that has a picture of Luke and when you press the button he says "Love you mommy, love you daddy, Merry Christmas" Oh my word, let me just tell you that David looked at me crazy as I had tears rolling down my face....and they wouldn't stop! I guess it just hit one of those spots in my heart :) She also got me one of those plaster hand print kits (that I'd been meaningg to get myself and do since Luke was BORN!) I was very excited....even if the kid will be 2. We did that this week too and although its not perfect, it turned out well. I'll have to post a pic next time. We put Luke to bed and played ourselves some rousing games of "Sequence". It was a really nice evening!

Papa showing Luke some special ornaments on their tree

So cute....daddy showing Luke a picture of himself on an ornament from Kindergarten and if you ask Luke who it is he says "Luke David"

"Are these berries edible?"

Grabbed the camera quick as Luke was walking around in my red least they kind of matched his outfit!

Playing with the water painting book grandma got for him. The tongue is out, he must be really into it.

Grandma and Papa's tree

Family Picture......attempt #1

Family picture.....attempt #2. A particular member was not being cooperative. Can you tell who that might be?
Not that it's too shocking, but I probably won't post again until after Christmas!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!! May you be incredibly blessed by the love of Christ :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving and New Haircut!!

The pictures on this post are from Luke's haircut experience 12/10, David's birthday, and Thanksgiving. Don't worry, there's not as many pictures as you're imagining!

Wednesday Dec. 3, was my wonderful hubby's 27th Birthday! He had been gone hunting a few days, but came home that evening! I had his present and cake ready to go just in time!! :) He got a set of 2 way radios for out in the woods.

HAIR CUT - finally like mommy wanted!

Luke was such a big boy sitting in the big chair and getting his hair cut like daddy's. (as long as he had a sucker in his mouth!)

The finishing touches

All done! Can you tell what color sucker he had?

So grown up now........too bad it doesn't transfer to behavior!

Huggin daddy's legs while he's in the chair :)

Luke getting to hold daddy's shotgun....he was quite fascinated!

Even though I had to work Thanksgiving and nearly all the surrounding days, we found a small window of time to visit with family. I got to see David's newly predo sis Dana for a few hours and then have a roast beef feast with my fam, It was a good time as always, especially when we broke out the Wii! Luke was up the WHOLE time till we left at 11:30 and was SUCH a good boy! Didn't cry or get fussy, just enjoyed spending time with everyone too!

Luke, just like last time Julie was in town, was OBSESSED with her! He would walk around the house calling her name if she wasn't there with him. You can tell by the smile that he doesn't love her AT ALL!

All smiles!

He was sharing tons of kisses......

with Aunt Julie..


and Aunt Heather!

Riding the pony great grandma!

Our LOVELY family picture - courtesy of my grandpa ;)

Playin some Christmas duets

Eskimo kisses

Chillin out!

Just so darn sweet :)

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

HUGE giveaway!

To anyone who is interested....there is a cool blog that I follow (nearly on a daily basis)and the "owner" of this blog is presenting a huge giveaway! MckMama is a mother of 4 little ones and is raising money for 3 different charities....String of Pearls, No Hands but Ours, and the Elison Project. You can find out more about these foundations on MckMama's blog. The deal is that you can buy raffle tickets for $10 a piece and with each one purchased you will be entered to win a 12.2 megapixel Canon Rebel XSi with 2 lenses, a high speed memory card, camera carrying case, custom made camera strap, 16x20 canvas print of a photo of yours, AND a blog makeover (if you have one of course). HOW COOL IS THAT!? If you want more info visit her blog by clicking on the Rebel icon below or link above. Consider just donating $10 to these wonderful organizations and be entered to win these INCREDIBLE prizes! After all, Christmas is a time of giving :)