Sunday, August 20, 2006

18 Weeks!! :)

Well folks, I've reached the 18 week mark...only 22 more to go! Ha! On Sept 7, I go for my ultrasound and will (God willing) find out if we're having a little David or a little Angela! Unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover any "routine" this little guy/gal had better cooperate and show itself since the money's coming out of our pccket! Guess that's just the first of MANY expenses to come :) I've only had one dream so far related to the baby. I dreamt that it was a we'll see. I have this feeling...
At 18 weeks I'm feeling great! No problems at all except for the occassional excruciating pain on my right or left lower belly when I stretch a uterine ligament! But I won't complain:) This whole pregnancy has been very uneventful so far....Praise the Lord! Just this last week I "popped out" a bit. I THINK about a week and a half ago I may have felt the baby move. It was kind of like a popcorn feeling every now and again. And now if I press down firmly on my lower belly and wait I can feel a kick or something. Its very exciting! There is a lot we need to do around the house....just getting organized. The garage and basement being on the top of the list! Anyhow, as summer is coming to a close I hope that any of you still in school have a fun time getting back to the grind! Everyone else take care and know that we love you!


Andy and Julie Emerine said...

Ah! I can see a little something poppin out! You still look so skinney though!
I'm sure what you're feeling is movement...sounds a lot like what I felt early little butterflies tickling the inside of COOL!
I can't wait to hear how your ultrasound goes! We have one this Tuesday :)They're so exciting!!!