Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving and New Haircut!!

The pictures on this post are from Luke's haircut experience 12/10, David's birthday, and Thanksgiving. Don't worry, there's not as many pictures as you're imagining!

Wednesday Dec. 3, was my wonderful hubby's 27th Birthday! He had been gone hunting a few days, but came home that evening! I had his present and cake ready to go just in time!! :) He got a set of 2 way radios for out in the woods.

HAIR CUT - finally like mommy wanted!

Luke was such a big boy sitting in the big chair and getting his hair cut like daddy's. (as long as he had a sucker in his mouth!)

The finishing touches

All done! Can you tell what color sucker he had?

So grown up now........too bad it doesn't transfer to behavior!

Huggin daddy's legs while he's in the chair :)

Luke getting to hold daddy's shotgun....he was quite fascinated!

Even though I had to work Thanksgiving and nearly all the surrounding days, we found a small window of time to visit with family. I got to see David's newly predo sis Dana for a few hours and then have a roast beef feast with my fam, It was a good time as always, especially when we broke out the Wii! Luke was up the WHOLE time till we left at 11:30 and was SUCH a good boy! Didn't cry or get fussy, just enjoyed spending time with everyone too!

Luke, just like last time Julie was in town, was OBSESSED with her! He would walk around the house calling her name if she wasn't there with him. You can tell by the smile that he doesn't love her AT ALL!

All smiles!

He was sharing tons of kisses......

with Aunt Julie..


and Aunt Heather!

Riding the pony great grandma!

Our LOVELY family picture - courtesy of my grandpa ;)

Playin some Christmas duets

Eskimo kisses

Chillin out!

Just so darn sweet :)


Jenn said...

How sweet! Love Luke's haircut, those pictures are priceless! He looks so big in the black and white one. Sounds like your Thanksgiving was hectic, hopefully you'll have a wonderful Christmas spent with family. Merry Christmas!

Ashley Rolsten said...

Hey there sister!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Luke's haircut! :) He looks so different and grown up with it short like that! (but still cute, of course!) Any chance you're venturing up here anytime in the near future?!? I think that'd be FANTASTIC!!!