Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Just a waitin'

Well, I'm officially due on Friday the 19th. However, thinkin that's not gonna happen! Everyone around me who is due AFTER me is having their baby, but apparently mine is not ready to make his appearance! Last week at the Dr. I was 75% effaced but not dilated at all. Today I was still 75% and finger tip dilated. Whoop-di-doo! So at this point we are playing the waiting game. Last night was my last night at work, but I hate to use my LOA time when the babies not here. Oh well, hopefully soon! The girls at work brought in food for me the last 2 nights to celebrate my "retirement" from the floor, since I am not returning there after maternity leave. (I'll be in NICU). I'm feeling fine except for the sleeping part. It's almost more painful trying to lay down and sleep, than it is to be moving around. My hips fall asleep, gotta pee every hour or two, can't lay on my back or stomach, gotta lug the belly with me from side to side :) Ha! Other than that though I won't complain! David keeps telling him to come out, but he's not listening. Getting calls from people almost everyday wondering if there is any progress. Anyhow, hopefully my next post will contain pictures of our new addition :) Thanks for checking in and keeping in touch everyone! Oh, David has a new website up and running for their contracting company if anyone wants to take a look!, Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I don't want to call and bug ya :-) I just keep popping up on here to see any updates! I hope you're feeling well!