Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day :)

Valentine's Day itself was pretty uneventful for us, especially since it was a Wednesday, but David and I had a chance the previous weekend to go out just the two of us. My parents watched Luke last Friday night and David and I went to Applebee's for dinner after we saw Deja Vu. By the way, we recommend the movie :) Very good! And then Saturday night we stopped by his parents house for just a little bit and his mom kept an eye on Luke while we used their hot tub! So we had kind of an early Valentine celebration. David still gave me a card and a Starbuck's gift card on the "big day". I didn't expect too much cause he had gotten me a beautiful bouquet of flowers when Luke was born and a locket with Luke and I's pictures in it. So anyhow, before Luke was even born, I couldn't resist buying this little Valentine onesie. As you can see below, he was quite thrilled to be wearing it :)

Still have skinny arms and legs!


Anonymous said...

Boy, he is getting long. He looks so different in that top picture. He is a cutie! I miss him. Thanks for the pics. At least I can see him.