Thursday, March 22, 2007


Hard to believe that our little guy is already 2 months old!! :) He hasn't really grown or changed THAT much to us...but that's cause we see him all the time!

Here he is playing on his aquarium gym.

He really likes the fishy that plays music and has just started to notice his relection in the mirror. He gets scared by it sometimes! Haha!

Here is mommy and Luke at his 1 and 1/2 hour check up. Here he is being a good boy! :)
He grew and inch and gained a pound. He is 10 lbs on the dot, and 23 inches long. His head is still tiny at 37.7 cm or 14.9 inches. So he fell in all the percentiles :( Down to 57th in length, 19th in weight, and 12th in head size. He's still just our little guy. Gonna bump up his feedings. Otherwise the Dr. says he's doing great. What a blessing. It was also the day to have all his shots. Poor little guy did SOO well. Clenched and cried some when they gave him all 4, but quieted down right away! He also had an oral vaccine for Rotavirus. So other than the time it took at the office, the visit was a success!
"What you lookin at?"

Just suckin on my fingers during bath time - what can I say, I was sleepy.

It was a long day. Mommy had me out from 9:30 till 7:30! My legs are sore from shots, I have to take a bath, and I'm hungry! Wouldn't you be crying too?

Happy 2 months to me!